Upcoming TimeBank Events/Próximos eventos
All of these events are open to the public.
Full Calendar:
- March 5- Monthly TimeBank Planning Meeting at 6 PM in our planning zoom link. These meetings are open to all our TimeBank members to hear about what is going on with the TimeBank and to contribute your ideas for events and projects. We always love to have new people involved.
- March 7- New Member Orientation at 5:30 PM in our orientation zoom room. Attending an orientation is required of all new TimeBank members. These short (usually less than an hour) meetings allow us to get to know you, answer any questions you might have, and show you how the TimeBank works!
- March 12- Book Club Meeting at 6:30 PM at Alice’s house (870 Gladstone). We will be discussing The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina by Zoraida Cordova. Book is available as an e-book from the Detroit Public Library.
- March 19- Family Game Night from 6-8 PM at Amanda’s House (1575 Military). Bring a dish to share for a potluck dinner or just bring yourself. All ages are welcome!
- March 26- Monthly TimeBank Planning Meeting at 6 PM in our planning zoom link. These meetings are open to all our TimeBank members to hear about what is going on with the TimeBank and to contribute your ideas for events and projects. We always love to have new people involved.
- March 27- TimeBank Happy Hour from 5-7 PM at Donovan’s Pub. We are bring back Happy Hour! Come enjoy a beverage with other TimeBank members. We’ll provide some light snacks. Folks interested in joining the TimeBank or learning more are also invited to join in.
- April 4- New Member Orientation at 5:30 PM in our orientation zoom room. Attending an orientation is required of all new TimeBank members. These short (usually less than an hour) meetings allow us to get to know you, answer any questions you might have, and show you how the TimeBank works!
- April 6- MI Alliance of TimeBank Learning Circle from 11 AM to 1 PM. You can join in person at 6900 McGraw or in the Learning Circle zoom room. Learning Circles are open to anyone helping to run a TimeBank or hoping to get more involved with TimeBanking in Michigan. The topic for April’s Learning Circle will be Group Projects Outdoors- focusing on best practices for gardening, yard work, and more.
- April 16- Family Game Night from 6-8 PM at Amanda’s House (1575 Military). Bring a dish to share for a potluck dinner or just bring yourself. All ages are welcome!
- April 23- TimeBank Happy Hour from 5-7 PM at Donovan’s Pub. We are bring back Happy Hour! Come enjoy a beverage with other TimeBank members. We’ll provide some light snacks. Folks interested in joining the TimeBank or learning more are also invited to join in.
- May 2– New Member Orientation at 5:30 PM in our orientation zoom room. Attending an orientation is required of all new TimeBank members. These short (usually less than an hour) meetings allow us to get to know you, answer any questions you might have, and show you how the TimeBank works!
November 8, 2018 @ 6:32 pm
I would like to know more about the clothing swap
September 23, 2020 @ 2:43 pm
I Regina T Lawson Mama Ravin can give vegan cookin demos W/CHAT&CHEW CITCHEN CREW with CROC OF SOUP SALADS SWEET POTATA PI OR BLUEBERRI …GIFT EXCHANGE…CLOTHING SWAP… HERBAL WALK&TALK/CHAT&CHEW all year round…be ready preparedness classes..